
Showing posts with the label carcinogen

Is Alcohol A Carcinogen

All types of alcoholic drinks including red and white wine beer cocktails and liquor are linked with cancer. It may be a substance in the air a product you use or a chemical in foods and drinks. Alcohol Is A Group 1 Carcinogen Like Tobacco 2003 Propagandaposters Esophagus breast beginning at the 1-2 drinkday level. Is alcohol a carcinogen . The level of risk increases in line with the level of alcohol consumption. While excessive alcohol consumption is associated with liver disease and brain damage those who imbibe are also at much greater risk for esophageal brain and other cancers. In 2010 alcohol was classified as a carcinogen cancer-causing agent by the US. In fact the main characteristic of alcohol is it is a human carcinogen Class 1 even at a low level. There is strong evidence that drinking alcohol increases peoples risk of cancers of the female breast liver mouth throat pharynx and larynx oesophagus and bowel. Over the past few decades however several animal studie...